I.C.A.I. invests significantly in in-house competencies within two highly specialised laboratories. The chemical experts in both laboratories work in close co-operation and use a wide variety of advanced tools.
The first laboratory focuses on research and development on behalf of customers and to offer new products that meet the specific needs of the leather industry. The laboratory is equipped with highly specialised equipment that allows us to carry out thorough analyses of products for the study and industrialisation of new reactions. The equipment includes plant such as U.H.P.L.C and H.P.L.C chromatography, FT-IR spectrometer and UV-Vis spectrophotometer, glass reactors and piloting plant.
The second laboratory is dedicated to quality control of the end products, analysing and monitoring each product following standard procedures and also according to client-specific tests to ensure excellent quality.
I.C.A.I. takes particular care of all those aspects that help to create a good working environment.
All manufacturing plant is regularly monitored and we provide all information required for safe usage of the products including the legislative aspects.
The whole production chain is constantly update and upgraded in order to minimise the environmental impact and safeguard our staff. I.C.A.I. operates a chemical-physical treatment plant and a distillation plant for the decontamination and recovery of waste water.
The implementation of new plant and the improvements in the automation of processes enable I.C.A.I. to produce 20,000 tonnes of liquid and powder products per year in a highly sustainable way.
The production of white label and I.C.A.I. branded products covers four product lines:
Tel.: +39 011 904 8260 Fax: +39 011 908 7259
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